Our mission is to inspire and empower kids through exciting, challenging adventure races that emphasize teamwork, sportsmanship, critical thinking, perseverance, and ignite a passion for the outdoors."
AGES 6 - 14
The Kids Adventure Games is a nationwide, multi-discipline adventure race for kids ages 6 to 14*.
In teams of two, participants compete together by bike, in water and on foot through a 2.5-4 mile course featuring up to 15 man made and natural obstacles. Races are limited to 180 teams per day. Hosted at picturesque destination locations across the country the Kids Adventure Games is more than a race, it's an event for the whole family to enjoy!
(*15-17 in certain events)

Participants learn the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and problem solving and finish the race with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Registration also gets you…
Entry for 1 team (2 participants)
Custom finishing medal for each participant (2 medals)
Official athlete t-shirt for each participant (2 shirts)
Swag bag for each participant with goodies from our sponsors (2 swag bags)
Chance to win prizes as top 3 finisher in each age group (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-14) and category (boys, girls, coed)
Chance to win one of 3 specialty awards each day of racing
Prizes are awarded to the top 3 finishers in each age group (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, & 12-14) and category (boys, girls, and coed). In addition, each team is eligible to win one of 3 specialty awards handed out each race day. All prizes are handed out at the after race awards party. You must be present to collect your award as prizes will not be sent to winners after the race.
This award is given to the team that demonstrates the best sportsmanship on the course, both within their own team and towards other teams. The award is voted on by on-course staff and volunteers.
This award is given to the team with the most team spirit. We encourage creative costumes, handshakes, team dances, and other displays of spirit. The award is voted on by staff and volunteers.
This award is given to the team that picks up the most trash on the course. We teach the practice of leaving no trace and take pride in leaving our locations cleaner than we found them. Trash picked up on the course will be handed in and counted at the finish line to determine the winner.
Parents leave the race with a huge sense of pride, joy, and sometimes surprise after witnessing their kids complete this challenging course, and overcome the obstacles within it. Your kids will have a new found confidence in their own abilities.
We encourage parents to cheer on their kids throughout the course, but please let your kids work with their partner to solve and overcome obstacles. Do not physically intervene, as this is after all the Kids Adventure Race- not the Parent Adventure Race.

Each location features up to 15 unique, man-made and natural obstacles inspired and built into each event venue, meaning no two races are the same.
Tips and tricks for completing some of the obstacles you’ll encounter on the adventure course!

At each Kids Adventure Games event, adventure racers are invited to participate in an optional clinic to sharpen their adventure skills and increase their (and their parents’) confidence prior to the race. Skills clinics are designed to take kids of any age (6-14), gender, or athletic ability and prepare them for any outdoor, multi-disciplined event, like the Kids Adventure Games. Each of the clinics is run by our experienced clinic staff and features local experts who help build kids confidence, work on their teamwork and expose them to some of the challenges of race day. We always keep it fun, friendly, and positive.
Clinics last approximately four (4) hours each, and parents do not need to be present beyond check-in. Each clinic covers the core essentials of adventure racing, including:
Adventure Racing 101: An introduction to the basics of adventure racing, including the different disciplines, equipment, and strategies.
Climbing / Ropes Skills: A hands-on workshop on climbing and ropes skills, including knot-tying, belaying, and rappelling.
Mountain Biking Skills: A clinic on mountain biking skills and techniques, including handling, shifting, braking, and navigating rough terrain.
Map Reading, Knots, First Aid Skills: A workshop on essential outdoor skills, including map reading, knot-tying, and first aid.
Kids registered in the Kids Adventure Games are given priority for attending skills clinics as space is limited to 60 kids per session. When possible, we add skills clinic sessions to accommodate for demand.
Kids must register in teams of two.
The age group is determined by the age of the oldest member of the team.
The race categories are boys, girls, and coed in each age bracket.
Age brackets are 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14 and OPEN *15-17 in some events
Teams will be assigned wave times, (i.e., 9 am/10.30 am/12 pm)
Each team will be assigned a start time, within their wave. (i.e., 9.02 – 9.04 etc.)
Start times will be announced 3 days before race day via email.
Kids have to be onsite 1 hour before their WAVE START for an athlete meeting, course reveal and harness fitting. i.e.: 8 am for wave 1/9:30 for wave 2/11 for wave 3
One (set of) waivers per family; available on website or made available by email in advance.
Race Bib will be provided (needs to be pinned to the front of the racer so the staff can identify you as you are arriving
The team meeting will take place a ½ hour before the WAVE start; maps are handed out and course will be revealed at the meeting by Race Director, Billy Mattison.
After the meeting, teams go to line up at the start, in bib order.
The Course
Course will be marked on a ‘kid friendly’ map.
Course description and route will be printed on the map.
Teams will start according to their age group with the oldest kids going off first; in bib order.
2/3 Teams (4/6 kids) start at a time in 2 minute intervals.
Kids will travel the course by mountain bike, on foot, on land or on water.
If there is a water element at the race, personal flotation devices are supplied by race organizers.
Course can be a circle, a figure eight or a cloverleaf format.
Transition Area is where kids will change disciplines and pick up or drop gear.
There are a number of different obstacles and challenges located around the marked course, all are designed for children and are supervised by staff and /or volunteers. The tasks will not cause children any great difficulty.
Each obstacle is a checkpoint. Volunteers will stamp the map as proof that the team passed by.
Teams have to follow the course in checkpoint order.
The course is approximately 3 miles long. This will take between 40 minutes and 90 minutes to finish.
Teams must cross the finish line together.
At the finish line, teams will present their stamped maps to staff and have their harnesses taken off by volunteers.
Teams will be timed.
All kids will wear a helmet, back pack, (bike) gloves and a climbing harness the entire course. The climbing harness will be supplied by race organizers.
Spectators are welcome to watch anywhere on the course, please note some course sections may require traversing some treacherous terrain.
We ask that parents allow their children to work together to problem solve all obstacles without assistance. Feel free to cheer and encourage, but refrain from physically helping.
Post Race
A post race party will be held after each event for all participants.
Award ceremony is held around 3:30 each race day where prizes are awarded to each age and category winner, in addition to prizes for a Sportsmanship Award, Team Spirit Award, and Environmental award

Q: Can kids compete with a teammate that is a different age?
A: Yes. The age group will be determined by the age of the oldest teammate. However if the age spans two age categories, i.e. 6/7 and 10/11, the team MUST race in the OPEN category.
Q: Can teams be co‐ed?
A: Yes.
Q: How many teams are on course?
A: Races are limited to 180 teams per race day, spread across 3 waves. Teams will be released 2 teams at a time every 2 minutes to manage course flow.
Q: If my child does not have a partner can I sign my child up to save a spot and then find a partner?
A: Yes, but we ask that you submit your registration as a team. Registration forms will not be confirmed until both teammates’ information is complete and payment is received. You can enter your own child’s name twice but YOU are responsible for changing this at a later date.
Q: What is included in the entry fee?
A: Your child’s entry fee includes an Athlete shirt, a goodie bag with treats from race sponsors, pre‐race training tips from Adventure Racer and course designer, Billy Mattison, a medal of completion upon finishing the race, and an awards ceremony.
Q: What happens if there is bad weather on race day?
A: The race will take place rain or shine. In the event there is lightning in the area, the Race Director will make the appropriate call to delay or cancel the race. No refunds will be given if the race is cancelled due to weather.
Q: I signed up in March but something has come up and I need to cancel. Can I receive a refund?
A: All cancellations received 60 days prior to race day will receive a refund minus a $25 handling fee. Any cancellations received after that date will not receive a refund. Participants must formally request a refund by completing the cancellation form on the Kids Adventure Games website.
Q: May I transfer my registration to a different team?
A: Yes. Registrations can be transferred to a new and different team up to 10 days prior to your event date. A $15 transfer fee will be applied on all transfers. Transfers can be completed by going to the MyEvent page provided at time of registration.
Q: My child’s partner cannot compete anymore. Can they race with a different partner?
A: Yes, race registrations are transferable. You can do this at your My Events, or by contacting athlete@kidsadventuregames.com.
Q: Can I accompany my child during the race?
A: Yes, you can accompany your child throughout the race to watch them at the different challenges; however we ask that you refrain from helping/interfering with your child during the race. Course marshals will be on hand to assist if children have difficulty. The satisfaction your child will feel when finishing the race is in large part determined by the knowledge that they did it themselves.
Q: Does my child need any special clothing or footwear for this event?
A: We recommend kids wear moisture‐wicking clothing as they will get wet & running shoes for footwear. They will be required to wear a helmet and bike gloves throughout the entire competition. Please NO JEANS. Bring a change of clothes for after the race as they will get wet.
Q: What special equipment does my child need?
A: Mandatory PERSONAL equipment: Each child is responsible for bringing a (mountain) bike with knobby tires, a helmet and bike gloves. Additionally, each child will need to carry the following items with them during the event:
First Aid Kit: small Ziploc bag with some wet wipes, band-aids, white tape, Neosporin.
10 oz water
Light snack
Small back pack
Light wind/rain jacket
The race organization will provide a climbing harness and a life jacket if needed.
Each team member must have the following gear. All items to be provided by participants and carried the entire race, with the exception of a climbing harness and life jacket, which will be provided by race organizers. Please mark your gear with your name and phone number.
(Mountain) Bike with knobby tires in good working order. Please check tire pressure, brakes and make sure saddles are at the correct height.
Bike Helmet
Bike Gloves
Rain Jacket
Socks, Sturdy Athletic Shoes
Water (Minimum of 10 oz.)
Small Back Pack or Hydration Pack
Small snack
First Aid Kit: Small Ziploc Bag with some Wet Wipes, Band Aids, White Tape, Neosporin
Climbing Harness (Optional)
PFD Fruita only
Hand Sanitizer
CANCELATION and Extenuating Circumstances Policy:
A participant can withdraw from the Event up to and until 11:59pm 60 days prior to the running of the Event they are registered in. A $12.50 cancellation fee will apply per athlete (i.e. I will be returned the entry fee paid by me less $12.50 per athlete, nor convenience fee), no matter if the event is cancelled by event organizers or the registrant. Should I wish to withdraw from an event from 12:00 am within 60 Days prior to the registered Event onwards for any reason (including, but not limited to, medical reasons), there is no refund of any portion of my entry fee. Participants must formally request a refund by completing the cancelation form found on the website. The Convenience Fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
The race will take place rain or shine. In the event there is dangerous inclement weather or lightning in the area, the Race Director will make the appropriate call to delay or cancel the race. No refunds will be given if the race is cancelled due to weather or wildfires or smoke because of wildfires and there is dangerous air pollution.
Extenuating Circumstances Policy: There will be no refund if the event is cancelled due to COVID 19 related circumstances.