Each athlete must have the following gear
All items to be provided by participants and carried the entire race, with the exception of a climbing harness and life jacket, which will be provided by race organizers.
Please mark your gear with your name and phone number.
(Mountain) Bike with knobby tires in good working order. Please check tire pressure, brakes and make sure saddles are at the correct height.
Bike Helmet
Bike Gloves
Quick Drying Shorts
Rain/Wind Jacket (mandatory because weather can change quickly)
Socks, Sturdy Athletic Shoes
Small Back Pack or Hydration Pack
Water (Minimum of 10 oz. suggested)
Small snack
First Aid Kit: Small Ziploc Bag with some Wet Wipes, Band Aids, White Tape, Neosporin
Essential Gear needed when competing in the Kids Adventure Games
How to get your bike race ready.